Daily Archives: 7/4/2006

Darwinism’s great appeal: Empowering the ignorant

I read a lot about the conflict between science and pseudoscience, which is to say, I read a great deal about the conflict between biology and so-called “intelligent design”. Intelligent Design The Future is a blog where many of the Discovery Institute “luminaries” post their well thought out criticisms of evolutionary thought.

Or so they seem to think.

No less a celebrity than William Dembski apparently was scanning the reviews of Jonathan Wells’ book Icons of Evolution and had this to say about the author of an unfavorable review:

Isn’t Darwinism wonderful? It empowers someone who has not yet earned a bachelor’s degree to call himself a “medical researcher” and tell Jonathan Wells — with a Ph.D. in biology and twenty years of experience in medical laboratories — that he has “little or no understanding of the subject matter.”

Of course, Dembski doesn’t actually address any of the criticisms actually raised by Peters, notably:

I am pleased to say though that this work is rejected by virtually all of the scientific community. There is a reason for that. If you go to http://www.ncseweb.org/icons/ you can see the full response to this poorly researched work. And it seems like the Discovery Reviewer below has given this book high praise. Well, it only takes a simple google search to see that the Discovery Institute are a group of ideologues who pushed for intelligent design in the infamous Dover School District case in PA.

Much of what Wells says about evolution is wrong. It doesn’t take a PhD to know that.

[tags]Intelligent Design,Pseudoscience[/tags]