Monthly Archives: December 2009

Gutenberg Gem: Letters of a Radio-Engineer to His Son, by John Mills

I love old books, even  on technical subjects like radio.  Often, by looking at the books of the past, we find them more accessible (because there was less knowledge, they assume less as a precursor) and also possess considerable historical interest.

Letters of a Radio-Engineer to His Son is a nice little book by John Mills Sr. to his son back in 1922, which begins simply with:

My Dear Son:

You are interested in radio-telephony and want me to explain it to you. I’ll do so in the shortest and easiest way which I can devise. The explanation will be the simplest which I can give and still make it possible for you to build and operate your own set and to understand the operation of the large commercial sets to which you will listen.

I’ll write you a series of letters which will contain only what is important in the radio of to-day and those ideas which seem necessary if you are to follow the rapid advances which radio is making. Some of the letters you will find to require a second reading and study. In the case of a few you might postpone a second reading until you have finished those which interest you most. I’ll mark the letters to omit in this way.

All the letters will be written just as I would talk to you, for I shall draw little sketches as I go along. One of them will tell you how to experiment for yourself. This will be the most interesting of all. You can find plenty of books to tell you how radio sets operate and what to do, but very few except some for advanced students tell you how to experiment for yourself. Not to waste time in your own 4experiments, however, you will need to be quite familiar with the ideas of the other letters.

It’s a delightful little book, which talks about electrons, and waves, capacitance and inductance, audion tubes and continuous waves.  It’s not mathematical, but neither is it just handwaving.  It strikes a nice balance, and should be accessible to anyone with basic science knowledge. Check it out.

The Project Gutenberg eBook of Letters of a Radio-Engineer to His Son, by John Mills.

Chinese Amateur Satellite XW-1 launched, beacon has been heard…

This morning, a quick check of my email and blog roll indicated that the Chinese had launched XW-1, probably the most interesting amateur satellite to launch this year (sorry SO-67).    It carries a payload with both linear and FM transponders, and it seems to have a higher orbit than current LEO satellites.    It should orbit around 1200km, whereas the popular AO-51 has an altitude of  only 700-800km, which should translate into a significantly larger footprint.

A couple of amateurs have recorded MP3s of the CW telemetry downlink already.

Here’s one.

And another.

Some Document Scanner Links

I love books, and I love the fact that technology is becoming increasingly easy to get books digitized and distributed online. Several years ago I got a copy of Johnson’s Natural History that I’d love to have digitized, but as yet haven’t located anyone whose willing to do it for me. But today, I found a couple of interesting links that suggest with a modest investment, I could make a book scanner of my own. Here are some links to some projects that might be useful:

An Active Filter Design

Eldon, WA0UWH pointed out WA4DSY’s website that features an active filter design applet. I was just waking up this morning, so I thought I might give it a try. I used LTSpice’s universal op-amp node, and wired it for positive and negative voltage feeds. I specified a 2.2uH value for the caps, and a 800hz center frequency, with a bandwidth of 300hz. It is just a two pole filter, so you shouldn’t expect much, but I suspect it would be useful. I am tempted to try to adjust the resistor values to nearby standard values, and see how it looks, but I think I’ll need coffee before I do that.


Addendum: a little poking around, rounding the various values to their nearest 10% values resulted in a filter with approximately the same shape, but which had decreased gain in the bandpass region (roughly 3db down from the original). I suspect at the very least, you could compensate by adjusting the overall gain of the filter.

The FDIM 2010 QRP Challenge: a good personal challenge?

I’ve never attended Dayton or FDIM, but I am thinking that perhaps I will soon (hopefully this year). An affiliated event is the Four Days in May: the QRP event for the QRP Amateur Radio Club International. They are hosting a building contest this year:

QRP Amateur Radio Club International – The FDIM 2010 QRP Challenge.

The long and the short of it is to build a complete QRP transceiver that has only 72 parts. This doesn’t seem too hard except the receiver is specified as being single signal, and you are only allowed one IC in the radio. Seems like an interesting project. It’ll give me something to think about while I’m on the airplane this evening.

Addendum: An example of a transceiver that would not qualify would be the Pixie II.


By my count, the Pixie II has 24 parts, and implements a complete transceiver, but it’s a simple direct conversion receiver, and therefore isn’t single signal. Still, an interesting launching point.

Addendum: Steve Weber’s AP-80 looks like a much better radio, but again, I think it’s a simple direct conversion receiver.

Regarding comment spammers…

It’s been quite some time since I had a decent rant on this blog, and I didn’t sleep well last night, and I am feeling a tiny bit grumpy, so pretty much anything will set me off on a rant. I figure I may as well get it off my chest now, then I can get down to work.

Comment spammers, you guys really suck.

I enjoy having a blog. I don’t try to support it with ads. It’s a flat out expense: my $8 or $10 a month buys my hosting, and I can run WordPress and I’m really quite happy. To date, I’ve made 3234 posts (this will be 3235) and have approved 1,588 comments in the six years or so its been going on. For everyone who has found anything of genuine interest here, I thank you for checking it out, and occasionallly leaving your genuine comments.

But here’s my reality: since October, 2006 (the earliest date I have good statistics for) my blog, the spam filter Akismet that WordPress ships with has caught 202,756 spam comments. In some sense, these aren’t the worst problem, since they are automatically caught and routed directly to the bit bucket. Nobody ever sees these posts. They don’t generate even a single click through. But the ratio of legitimate comments to fake comments is about 200:1 or so. That means that the vast majority of the actual cost in terms of bandwidth that I see is likely to go to these comment spammers. If we could eliminate spammers, there would be lots more, lots cheaper bandwidth available for us all.

But another kind of comment spam is currently sneaking past my filters occasionally. If you have no links inside your post, but merely use the ability to specify a URL with your ID, it will often make it through my spam filter and get posted. Many of these “comments” contain empty platitudes like “Wow, this is a great post, I’m bookmarking your site for later.” Who are they kidding? It’s annoying to have to read this kind of banal crap, whose only purpose is to send you to some overseas pharmacy where you can get drugs for that “special part of the male anatomy”.

Bleh! Comment spammers are going to a huge amount of effort to annoy us all. Can’t we all just rally with pitchforks and make the world a better place?

I now return you to your regularly scheduled morning.

Visible Storage Event @ the Computer History Museum

If you haven’t visited the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California, then this weekend might be a good time to go. On Sunday, they are having a special event celebrating their “Visible Storage” exhibit. This is a terrific exhibit which is going to be closed after December, in preparation for a new exhibit which I hope will be as exciting as this one. Visible Storage consists of literally hundreds of different machines and artifacts from computing history, from old style Napier bones, to the bicycle sprocket computers of Lehmer, to the Enigma machine, ENIAC, Johnniac, personal computers of every make, Crays, hypercubes, Connection Machines… A fascinating collection. If you haven’t had the chance to go see this, make sure you do before it’s gone.

Computer History Museum – Events

Photosynth of my office…

Want to know what it is like to be me? Here is a photosynth of my office at Pixar Animation Studios. It’s my first try, combined from around 170 individual photographs. Let me know what you think.

Addendum: You’ll probably need to be running Windows to view this.

Bandpass Filters

Just some more playing around. I surfed to the following page, looking for bandpass filter designs, such as might be used at the input stage of a radio.

Bandpass Filters.

I took the 30m version of their filter, and created it in LTSpice, and did an AC analysis. As you can see, it’s not bad:


The only real problem for it is that it has about 6.5db of insertion loss: all signals are attenuated by this, even signals in the pass band. I haven’t quite figured out how to model the version of the same filter which has a transformer at each end yet. I’m also unsure how the Q of the inductors will enter into the evaluation of the filter. More later.

Tank Circuits…

Okay, time to work my way through some more complicated (but stll simple) examples. First of all, let’s consider a simple parallel LC circuit. Here is one with a 10uF capacitor and a 10mH inductor in parallel with an AC source:


We can compute the resonant frequency using the classic formula:

f = ------------
        __   ___
    2.0 || \/L C

Plugging in our values for L and C, we end up with a resonant frequency at approximately 500 Hz (more precisely, about 503 Hz). So, let’s use LTSpice to analyze the circuit using AC analysis, sweeping the frequency from 100Hz to 1000Khz. If we look at a graph of the current draw through the voltage source from this parallel LC circuit, we see the following:


The parallel LC circuit’s current draw drops to zero at the resonant frequency. It’s impedance goes to infinity at the resonant frequency, the tank doesn’t draw any current. Let’s compare it to the same circuit, but with the elements placed in series instead of in parallel. We’ll add a very tiny resistance as well.


This circuit also resonates at the same frequency, but with radically different behavior. Let’s graph the current in this circuit:

The currents through the circuit are huge, and peak at the resonant frequency. There are similarly huge voltages that appear across the capacitor.


All this is pretty basic stuff. I apologize for boring people with this, but I’m learning lots about using LTSpice by doing these basic exercises. It’ll eventually pay off by having a deeper understanding about how these circuits work.

Addendum: I was inspired by this chapter on resonance from Tony Kuphaldt’s second book on AC electric circuits. These books are part of the Open Book Project, and are available for free download. I’m gonna make good use of these.

Power Transfer Math

As I might have mentioned, I am trying to teach myself a bit about electronics and radio design. I find the problem with being self taught is that often you read something, and it doesn’t seem clear to you why it should be so, and you uncover the basic lack of understanding that you have to go back and fill in before the later material makes sense. This happened to me while I was trying to work through some more amplifier designs, and I realized that I had a basic misconception about how impedance matching actually worked, and this was perhaps even more basic, and could be illustrated with a simple circuit, consisting of a voltage source, and then in series a source resistance RS and a load resistance RL. The question is given an RS, what value of RL maximizes the power dissapated in the load RL?


Well, it’s not really too hard to figure out. First, we can determine the total current going around the loop. For a voltage V, the current is simply:

I = -------
    R  + R
     S    L

From this we can easily determine the voltage drop across RL:

      R  V
V  = -------
 L   R  + R
      S    L

And, since we know the current through and the voltage across the resistor, we can determine the power as their product:

        R  V
P  = ----------
 L            2
     /R  + R \
     \ S    L/

When is power maximized? Well, we can differentiate the power equation with respect to RL, and we get:

dP         2         2 R  V
  L       V             L
--- = ---------- - ----------
dR             2            3
  L   /R  + R \    /R  + R \
      \ S    L/    \ S    L/

Setting this equal to zero, and solving for RL, we find that a maximum occurs where RL equals RS, in other words, power is maximized when the source and load resistances are matched. The total disappated by RL is then:

P  = ---
 L   4 R

Thus, if we had a load of 50 ohms and a voltage source of 12 volts, we’d end up with a maximum power of 720 mw.

Addendum: As a double check, the power passing through both resistors is V^2 / 2R, which would have been 1.44 watts, and obviously since both resistors are the same, the power is evenly split between the two.

Addendum2: I forgot to mention what I was confused about. It’s not really this (which occurs in DC circuits) but the corresponding circuit which occur in AC circuits with complex impedances. I’ll work through this later.

Addendum3: Hmm. Subscripts and superscripts seem to not work right with this theme. I’ll fix it.

A Half Wave Filter in LTSpice

On page 3.4 of Experimental Methods in RF Design, they have a little side bar about a particularly simple form of harmonic filter that I thought I would try to analyze in LTSpice. Here’s a screen dump of the filter I designed to operate around 7.0Mhz.


It’s really pretty simple to figure out the value of the various components: if the load has a reistance of Rload, then the inductors both have the same reactance XL in ohms. The two outside capacitors also have that same reactance, while the inner one has twice the value. Combined with the formulas for the reactance of an inductor and capacitor, it isn’t hard to figure out the values.

XL = 2.0 * π * frequency * L
XC = 1.0 / (2.0 * π * frequency * C)

Performing an AC analysis, you can get the frequency response. You can see that this filter actually passes the design frequency at 0db, but is significantly attenuated at 2x the frequency, and even more so for higher multiples. Here is LTSpice’s simulation.
