Daily Archives: 12/9/2010


The other day, I was trying to remember how to generate some simple sounds with minimal amounts of code. I remembered vaguely something called the Karplus-Strong algorithm, and it has been floating around in my head that I should look it up again. I mentioned it to Tom, and he spent 15 seconds drawing something on his whiteboard to remind me how the rudiments of it worked. I spent two or three minutes in a break typing in this small chunk of C to try it out:

[sourcecode lang=”C”]
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sndfile.h>

* ks.c
* a small implementation of the karplus-strong synthesis algorithm
* as described to me in 15 seconds or less by Tom Duff, and implemented
* in the two or three minutes that it took to type in.

#define SAMPLE_RATE 44100
#define TONE 440

* BUFSIZE is essentially the period of the sound in samples.


double buf[BUFSIZE] ;

int sample ;
int i, j ;
double s ;
SNDFILE * sf ;
SF_INFO sfinfo ;

sfinfo.channels = 1 ;
sfinfo.samplerate = SAMPLE_RATE ;
sfinfo.format = SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16 ;

sf = sf_open("test.wav", SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo) ;

for (i=0; i<BUFSIZE; i++)
buf[i] = 2.0 * drand48() – 1.0 ;

for (sample=i=0; sample<5*SAMPLE_RATE; sample++) {
j = i + 1 ;
if (j >= BUFSIZE) j = 0 ;
s = (buf[i] + buf[j]) / 2 ; /* simplest filter imaginable */
buf[i] = s ;
sf_write_double(sf, &s, 1) ;
i = j ;

sf_close(sf) ;


Here is link to the single note that the above code generated. Sure, it’s not all that impressive by itself, but consider how simple the code is. It takes a small buffer of random numbers and a simple averaging operation, and generates something which isn’t a completely unpleasant plucked-string sound. I find that rather remarkable. I’ll probably use this in a little programming project that I’ve been mulling over which involves Christmas music. Stay tuned.

Congratulations to SpaceX, and a new Cubesat!

Lost in yesterday’s thrilling launch of the SpaceX Falcon-9/Dragon launch was that during their flight, they also apparently deployed a cubesat: CAERUS (which is apparently Greek for “opportunity”). It has a 900mw FM AFSK beacon downlink on 437.600, and operates under the amateur callsign KJ6FIX. I have not as yet been able to locate TLEs for the satellite, so I’m not sure of its orbit, period and the like, but it might be good to try to give it a listen.

Information Sciences Institute – CAERUS.

Addendum: The Falcon9 also carried a nanosatellite for the Army.