Daily Archives: 12/16/2010

Total Lunar Eclipse

On Monday, December 20th, we’ll have an opportunity to view a total lunar eclipse. Huzzah! It’s been quite a while since I’ve had the opportunity to view one. According to this NASA eclipse calculator, the moon should enter the penumbra of the earth at 9:29PM Pacific time, with the partial eclipse beginning at 10:33 and totality starting at 11:41PM. The middle of the eclipse occurs just after midnight at 12:17, and totality ends at 12:53 AM.

The weather outlook isn’t good, it is questionable as to weather we’ll be able to see it, but if it’s clear on Monday, try to check it out.

You can tune a banjo, but you can’t tuna fish…

Or can you? Courtesy of the Make Blog, here’s an interesting little musical instrument called a “canjo”, a two string banjo that uses an old 4″ tuna fish can as the resonating cavity. Perhaps I should take a break from my plinky string sounds generated with software, and instead do it the old fashioned way.

Tuna can guitar @Makezine.com blog.
