Daily Archives: 11/13/2011

ANGST: the Arduino n’ Gameduino Satellite Tracker

I’ve stopped hacking on my Arduino/Gameduino satellite tracker for now. Here’s the final video demonstrating it running:

I’m currently working on the final schematic which will be posted on this permanent page. The code will be available github.com, for right now, it includes the library that I wrote that does the satellite prediction. I’ll be updating the code sometime later this week.

If you take it and use it, let me know: it will motivate me to do more with the code.

JeeNode v6 Kit from Modern Device

I’ve been playing a great deal with Arduinos lately, and have acquired a couple of Xbees to experiment with wireless. But Xbees, cool as they are, are kind of expensive for many tasks where a much simple RF link could suffice. Today, I ran across the JeeNode, which is available as a kit from Modern Device for just $22.50, and that includes a 915Mhz RF link. You’ll need an FTDI cable to program it, just like any other low cost Arduino. Pretty neat!

JeeNode v6 Kit | Modern Device.