OldFlash: Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot
Okay, this isn’t really news. Rush Limbaugh is an idiot. If you don’t know that by now, you’re probably an even bigger idiot. I’ve lately become uninterested in the NFL (baseball being a far
more civilized endeavor) so I didn’t realize that Rush had been employed by NFL Countdown Sunday as a commentator. That’s probably a good thing, because I can’t think of a more
fatal affliction for a sports announcer or commentator than to be egotistical enough to think that
the program they are on is about who they are and what they think.
Rush Limbaugh is afflicted with this particular fault in spades. On this particular occasion in a discussion on the low ranking of Donovan McNabb, Rush opined that in fact McNabb wasn’t
really good, and that he was merely being trumpeted as a media darling because he happened
to be a black quarterback.
One wonders why he didn’t follow this statement up with the logical extension: that this NFL affirmative action program was costing some talented white quarterback from getting a crack
at the big time.
I suppose before this I remembered that McNabb was in fact black. I remember that Ray Rhodes
is black. I remember that Warren Moon was black. I remember that Randall Cunningham was black. But when you bring up their names, what comes to mind is not the color of their skin, but
what they do on the field.
It’s a pity that Rush can’t put his own agenda in neutral long enough to concentrate on
the game. Some of us care more about the colors of uniforms than the players wearing them.
I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting Saccade.com on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…