Buy your very own Constitution!
Lessig had this link awhile ago on his weblog, but I thought it would be appropriate for Independence Day. You can purchase a copy of The United States Constitution and Amendments from Amazon, formatted for Microsoft Reader. Interestingly enough, it’s protected by DRM, so you aren’t granted any rights to redistribute, alter, or even print the book, despite its public domain status. As one of the reviewers hinted, it may be worth the $2.99 they charge just for the irony of it all.
Of course, if you don’t wish to invest in irony, you can thank Project Gutenberg for providing The Constitution (even formatted for the Pocket PC) and The Declaration of Independence, which was Ebook #1, and initiated the idea of Project Gutenberg way back in 1971.
To all my readers, have a happy Fourth!
Addendum: You can also get a fairly high resolution scan of the Declaration from
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