Aaron Brady, Porno for Pythons – Pixie Weblog Software – Hello & Goodbye
I’m currently using WordPress for this weblog, but I can’t help but feeling that the more that people work on it, the less I’m going to like it. After all, I have rather simple needs, and once those needs are satisfied i don’t really see a huge advantage to adding features that somebody somewhere might think is cool. Because of this, I’m constantly on the lookout for additional bits of weblog software.
Today’s Daily Python URL! brings us Aaron Brady’s Pixie Weblog Software which uses Quixote and Cheetah. I haven’t had the time to review it yet, but it seems to encapsulate some of the ideals which I think are important. Enjoy.
I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting Saccade.com on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…