Eliza Turns Dirty, Changes Name to Jenny18
Normally I steer this website away from overtly sexual topics, but I’ll make an exception here. Jenny18 is a version of the classic Eliza program which has been tailored to imitate a sort of dumb-blond cyber sex slave. It relies on the fact that many people talk like complete idiots online, which means that even simple programs can seem plausible in that social context. Often it’s hard to tell which side of the transcripts are being acted out by the script and which are real humans. It’s amazing how easily people (well, horny geeks anyway) are drawn in by rather trivial programmed responses, and how absurdly moronic they are.
Oh, by the way, you shouldn’t mix up the Eliza mentioned above with this one.
I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting Saccade.com on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…