I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting Saccade.com on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…
Yahoo! News – TiVo Wins Nod for Users to Share Digital Shows
Reuters is reporting that the FCC has granted approval to Tivo for their scheme to allow people to share Tivo’d shows with their friends. The NFL opposed such a notion, since they can obviously charge relatively large fees for the showing of games which are normally not available in different markets.
Ironically, the FCC said in their statement:
“Each of these technologies has been exhaustively reviewed to ensure contention protection systems prevent the mass indiscriminate redistribution of digital television programming,”
I bet the maker’s of the DVD encryption standard said the same thing. After giving us these uncopyable bits, next they will be giving us non-wet water.
Comment from Kevin VandeWettering
Time 8/6/2004 at 5:43 am
My brother, sometimes you even amaze me :-).