Sorry for the light news…
Sorry readers, I didn’t have much time for the Internet last night. I was co-opted into helping my wife search for the perfect dress for the upcoming Incredibles wrap party, and that took the better part of the day. When I returned home, I decided to do some maintenance on my webserver, and for the first time in over a year, now have real mail service running to my home servers, along with SpamAssassin to hopefully keep the nuisance level down. Now you can reach me at Go ahead and click it and give it a try, I’d like to make sure it’s working.
I also took the time to get POP3 running with SSL, so I can access my brainwagon mail remotely, even on my SideKick! Woohoo!
I should have a new audioblog later today. Stay tuned.
I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…