I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting Saccade.com on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…
My bad speech habits…
Wherein your host apologizes for his inept speech habits, reviews the Star Wars trilogy DVD collection, yaps a bit about graphics hardware and Moore’s law, and looks forward to Shaun of the Dead.
Comment from Dave
Time 9/27/2004 at 12:46 pm
Hey, I’m listening to this episode right now. Sounds good to me. One word of advice – just don’t worry so much about your vocal delivery. The more relaxed you get, the more it flows. The more you try not to do it, the more you will because it will make you tense so just let it roll. Over time it will get better, so just try not to draw attention to it, even when you do it.
It’s tricky trying to keep that brain->mouth buffer full, isn’t it? Audioblogging sounds like such a simple things yet it takes a lot of effort. Keep up the good work!
Comment from Andrew Grumet
Time 9/27/2004 at 10:14 am
Hi Mark! I’m iPoddering, listening and enjoying. From the bleeps it sounds like you’re running on Windows. What software do you use for mixing and audio capture?