Earthquake! Baseball! Copyright!

September 28, 2004 | Audioblogs and Podcasting, Brainwagon Radio, Intellectual Property | By: Mark VandeWettering

Wherein your host is stirred (but barely shaken) by an earthquake and then goes on to ponder baseball, copyrights and other miscellaneous topics o’ the day.

Addendum: It appears the earthquake did relatively little damage.


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Time 10/3/2004 at 5:55 pm

on podcasting and how I’m no longer trying to correct misconceptions as much as make it easy to find the correct information; Links mentioned in this episode: LineIn and SoundSource from Rogue Amoeba Linux Link Tech Show – now podcasting! TheBrainwagon post about copyright Mike Dunn on podcasting and revisionist history [/audio] permanent link 0 comments

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