Woohoo! Validation!

I was surfing this morning and noticed that Dave Slusher, the Evil Genius, had provided a link to this site in the announcement of his audioblog. So, I synched my iPod and set off for the drive to work, eagerly awaiting the mention of this humble blog. What would he say about me? Did he have some criticism? I know I’ve had technical problems. Did he find some particular rant that I’ve made in the last two days interesting? What could it be?

It was simply this:

“Like brainwagon? Love it.”

I think that’s going to be my new motto.

3 thoughts on “Woohoo! Validation!

  1. Dave

    Actually, I’d have had more to say if I had heard your 9/28 episode prior to recording that one. Sorry if I had you worked up for more payoff than you actually got. You say a whole lot of stuff that makes a whole lot of sense. Your copyright stuff, and the playing of bands that actually want it, and staying off the copyright bully radar, that all couldn’t be truer if god chiseled them in stone tablets. Rock on. If only the A’s could just barely lose to the Braves in the bottom of the 12 of game 7 of the World Series, that would be a nice world.

  2. Dave

    PS – Every time I think about the name of your show, I hear the Dixie Chicks singing “I’ve been riding on the Braaaaaaaain Wagon!”

  3. Mark

    Oh, my, god. A Braves fan? Nothing more irritating than an entire stadium doing that tomahawk chop…


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