I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting Saccade.com on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…
Podcast #19
Where your host tries to get in touch with his inner geek, ponders the world of functional programming, and then rambles about VOIP and Asterisk.
- I like Geek News Central. They have begun podcasting too.
- You can learn about Haskell, Ocaml and Standard ML on the web.
- I’m taking advantage of dreamhost.com’s 7th anniversary deal to provide some more server bandwidth for my podcasts. Let me know if you have any difficulties downloading them by sending me email.
- Binary Revolution – The Revolution will be Digitized! — Episode 60 has a nice bit about VOIP and Asterisk.
- The Asterisk Home Page
- A useful VOIP site
- The Darker Side already have a real phone number that you can dial in and leave comments for their show.
Comment from mihi
Time 10/14/2004 at 10:49 am
The VoIP idea is very cool, i myself played around with asterisk a few month ago, but my box was too unstable since the RAM seems to be defective. check out e164.org, it is a community based enum service where you could register your phone number and be reached by e164.org enum enabled voip clients via this number. asterisk supports that.
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Time 10/14/2004 at 11:43 pm
Over at Brainwagon,MarkV’s latest audio blog entry asks some questions about functional programming. Python[IMG [Wiki]] is the only new language I’ve set myself to recently (C# doesn’t count becuse it didn’t really cause any shifts in my thinking patterns), and I’m really enjoying how I’m approaching