Podcast #27: Magnatune, DMCA and the Treo Podcast

October 26, 2004 | Audioblogs and Podcasting, Brainwagon Radio | By: Mark VandeWettering

Where your host plugs the worthy record label Magnatune and their gracious use of Creative Commons licensing, plays a bit of American Baroque’s rendition of Vivaldi’s Concerto No.1 in D Major RV, better known as the Spring Concerto among us people who don’t know much about music, and lauds the 6th Court of appeals decision in the Lexmark case. You can read the court’s opinion here as a PDF file, provided by the EFF.

Bonus links:

Errata: I erroneously called Doug Kaye David Kaye. Sorry Doug! I don’t know what blip caused my brain to make this mistake.


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Time 2/16/2005 at 12:27 pm

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Comment from Theo
Time 10/27/2004 at 5:28 pm

Another Linux distribution recommendation: Knoppix

It’s a debian based system which can run from CD. Almost all the software you might want is already installed. It boots without any of the (arguably confusing) debian installation stuff, straight into X.

I’m a debian user. When I started using it about 8 years ago, it was the obvious choice (over slackware and redhat) because it was the only one with a convincing package-management system. Since then, the debian organization has got too big and slow, and the usability of the package tools and installation process has not been improved as much as it should have been.
Knoppix provides a really elegant, simple solution to this.

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