New Cell Phone

November 27, 2004 | General, Toys and Gadgets | By: Mark VandeWettering

My New Cell PhoneWell, I couldn’t resist a sale this morning: Best Buy had the new Motorola MPX220 cell phones on sale for $49 after a $300 rebate. The gadget is a Microsoft Smartphone, and while it is far from perfect (I will try to do a writeup of my experiences soon) it does have a number of cool features including:

  • Bluetooth
  • 1.3 megapixel camera (which is night blind and with a useless LED “flash”)
  • Uses mini-SD memory cards
  • Can record and play video files.

My fun hack of the day? I ripped some dvd video to a 56k video format and copied it to the phone, and successfully played it back. Awesome.

More later.