Minor website improvements…
I downloaded the most recent release of ChaitGear Powerpack, a set of WordPress Plugins that you include support for the referer list and an Amazon Wishlist. I ended up having to recompile mod_php4
and install a couple of php modules, but now all seems to work.
I put up the wishlist mainly as a lark, but if in the last twelve months you have
- Come into vast sums of money…
- Have already bought presents for all your loved ones…
- Enjoyed either my weblog or podcasts…
then perhaps you might wish to select one of the items to send my way. It’s a sure fire way to get me to plug your website and link it in the next year! 🙂
I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting Saccade.com on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…