I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting Saccade.com on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…
Slashdot | Following up on Torrent Shutdowns
Slashdot has some followup on the weekend’s BitTorrent shutdowns. Apparently there were some arrests over the weekend, and many threats of arrest. Haven’t had time to go over them in any detail (off to Christmas shop) but check ’em out.
Comment from mneptok
Time 12/21/2004 at 3:15 pm
An official RIAA press release quotes Cary Sherman, President of the RIAA, as saying ““Enforcement online or on the street is always a means to an end — helping foster business environments where legitimate commerce can take route and flourish, while creators can earn their fair share.”
Take “route?” Maybe you mean “root,” RIAA?
You know, a spell-checker is not a usage or grammar checker. Makes me wonder if their complaints have any faulty information, like names of defendants. 😉
Editor’s note: I was unaware that the RIAA was concerned with giving creators their fair share. I wonder if most creators would agree with the RIAA as to just what their fair share would be.