I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting Saccade.com on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…
Brainwagon Radio: A Minor Revolt, Linux on the Laptop
Wherein your host describes his pique with Windows XP and describes his installation of Fedora Core 3 onto his laptop, followed by his recording of a podcast using the new software setup. Links from the show:
- I chose Fedora Core for my Linux variant. It works rather well, and has the most polished installation of any Linux distribution I tried.
- The ndiswrapper project allows you to use Windows network drivers on Linux. This allowed me to use my Belkin F5D7010 card (an 802.11g card) which would have otherwise been unsupported. Seems to work fine, even without the kernel compile they recommend.
- You can get audacity packages prebuilt for Fedora Core 3 from Dag’s repository. I also installed mplayer from his packages, as well as some other packages.
- Can anyone tell me of a cheaper bluetooth GPS than the Delorme Bluelogger?
Quality note: The sound is a bit crackly, which appears to not be a problem with the microphone. It may actually be a software issue. I’m looking into it.
Free! Free from the shackles of Microsoft!
Now, back to playing Halflife 2 on my other box which still runs WinXP.
Comment from mneptok
Time 1/4/2005 at 2:53 am
Welcome to FC3! I’ve been running it on my server since its release in early November. I’ve been very happy.
I notice that the GNOME panel is displaying the big, red exclamation point indicating updates are available.
yum update up2date
Pretty blue check mark!
Editor’s note: I know, I just was behind.