Gizmodo : NFL on iPod
In the first of what will likely be many attempts at commercializing podcasting, Gizmodo is reporting that the NFL has inked a deal with to make their games available for download via the Apple iTunes music store.
Complete recordings of games, including versions that feature local sportscasters, are expected to cost around $10 each, while highlights of games are expected to cost between $1 and $5.
It’s nice to be able to get games without the largely dreadful, completely homogenized national broadcasters doing voice-overs, or it would be if they were doing this for a better sport. The price seems a bit high to me though. Frankly, I’d probably spend $50 or more to be able to download all Oakland A’s games in a season, but I can’t imagine spending $10 a pop to download them one at a time.
I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…