I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting Saccade.com on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…
California State Senator introduces Stupid Legislation
I know, I know, this should come as no real surprise. California legislators craft stupid, unconstitutional legislation every day. But Kevin Murray has introduced a law which would fine or imprison anyone who “sells, offers for sale, advertises, distributes, disseminates, provides or otherwise makes available” software that allows users to connect to networks that can share files, unless that person takes “reasonable care” that the software is not used illegally.
Goodbye, Betamax Decision.
You can read some commentary from Ed Felton at Freedom To Tinker.
Comment from carmen
Time 1/19/2005 at 3:19 pm
Gee, next thing you know they’ll be making gun manufactures responsible for any illegal acts used with a gun, or automotive companies be responsible for car accidents, or tobacco and liquor companies be accountable for the lives they ruin.
Perhaps we should add file sharing as part of the ATF.