Jumping on the Bed Stories…
Apparently over in Lisa’s world, her little one took a header off the bed and bumped his noggin. All seems to be well (phew!) but it put me in mind the story of my little sister (now, not so little, with four boys of her own). When she was little, she used to like jumping on the bed. My dad would hear her bouncing, and of course come storming back to her room and open the door. Upon seeing him, she would launch herself into the air, and Dad would catch her, scold her, then give her a hug and a pat on the butt, and send her on her way.
This happened probably dozens of times, until one day when Dad wasn’t quite so coordinated.
She landed flat on her butt.
And after that, she didn’t jump on the bed so often. 🙂
I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting Saccade.com on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…