I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting Saccade.com on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…
Help Stamp Out Boredom
Today I’m home sick. I’m going to prepare some notes for a meeting I should have tomorrow if I’m not still coughing up phlegm, but the rest of the day will be spent with hot tea and my trusty new Dell PDA. The combination of wireless and bloglines mobile edition makes checking the 144 blogs I monitor easy, fun, and now I can do it from anywhere.
But I’m bored. Can anyone recommend some good freeware (or even payware) applications for the PocketPC that could amuse? Instant messaging clients? RSS readers? Sound recording applications? What gadgets do you consider essential for your PocketPC?
Send me email and let me know.
Heck, send me email for any purpose. In the next 24 hours, I promise to respond, even thoughtfully, to all messages received.
Now, off to find some kleenex and take some more Dayquil…
Comment from Chad
Time 2/8/2005 at 7:50 am
No one willing to help… Hope you made it through ok. I was trying to think of something, but was feeling under the weather myself and couldn’t wait to get home, have some soup, some nyquill, then crawl into bed.
As for pocket pc goes. I really don’t like using mine. The only reason I have it is because our time tracking software interacts with a program on it and I’m on the road a lot.
I’ve tried to use other programs on it, but just could never get into it. I even bought the more expensive one with built in wifi, but am kicking myself now, because I never use it.