Does everything in the world require debugging?

February 22, 2005 | My Diary | By: Mark VandeWettering

This morning I’m try to cross off six or seven niggly tasks that require concentration but relatively little time. I didn’t bring my iPod, so I’ve decided to fire up xmms with some of the mp3s that I ripped last year before I discovered podcasting. And it sounds terrible! Argh! Distraction!

What’s the deal? I don’t remember it being this crappy. Are my speakers crappy? Bad player? Is it just bad rips? Doh! I recorded them at 96kbps for some reason, and that is apparently not good enough.

And now, that’s replaced whatever I had on the top of my priority stack. Well, damnit, I’m not going to rip CDs. I’m just going to work in silence.

I’ll rerip ’em tomorrow.