Brainwagon Radio: Live Linux CDs!
Another mobile podcast, recorded with my Dell Axim x50v PDA and Resco Audio Recorder. This morning I chat a bit about various LiveCDs on Linux, and muse about the possibility of a specialized LiveCD for podcasting.
Links from the show:
- Knoppix is probably the best known Linux LiveCD. Daniel Barlow’s Linux Journal article talks about mastering your own version of Knoppix.
- Damn Small Linux is a bit more petite, and therefore a bit cuter. It fits on one of those business card sized CD blanks like the one pictured on the right.
- dynebolic is more idiosyncratic, but targets music and media applications.
- geexbox turns your PC into a media player.
- I’ve also had good experience with Ubuntu, which also has a LiveCD.
I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…