How to tune your BS-o-meter
My BS-o-meter was tripped today while I was reading this article on Media Matters. One of the doctors appointed by the Florida court to examine Terri Schiavo, Dr. William Hammesfahr, was repeatedly referred to as a “Nobel prize nominee”.
Apparently he got “nominated” because his Congressmen sent the Nobel committee a letter saying he should get the Nobel prize. But, of course, you don’t get nominated by just having anyone send a letter to the committee. You have to follow the rules.. And in particular, the Nobel committee prefers to keep details of those who are nominated secret.
Information about the nominations, investigations, and opinions concerning the award is kept secret for fifty years.
When you see someone claim that they are a Nobel prize nominee, they are full of it.
Read the rest of the Media Matters article for more of the poor reporting that outlets like Fox are pushing.
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