I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting Saccade.com on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…
Brainwagon Radio: April Fool’s Day and Sweet and Sour Bitter Melon
Where your host talks about his experience with Chinese calligraphy, relates a timely story about MIT hackers Gosper and Greenblatt and their attempts to get a good chinese meal, and reviews a couple of plugins for WordPress.
dynamic-text-replace is a plugin that you can use to automatically insert useful links using simple macros. Check out the documentation, but using it you can create links to Google, Amazon and Flickr searches, such as ::flickr(“chinese”, “this bunch of links to Chinese things on Flickr.”)::
You can read the story I’m talking about in Steve Levy’s ::amazon(“0385312105”, “Hackers“):: or online here. Buy the book though: it was one of my early inspirations.
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Time 10/25/2006 at 11:22 am
[…] Brainwagon Radio: April Fool’s Day and Sweet and Sour Bitter Melon […]