I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting Saccade.com on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…
Google Maps – SR71s
Two of the coolest airplanes ever to fly, made visible via Google Maps.
More mundane: airplane on approach to Oakland, a flight I’ve taken many times.
Comment from steve L
Time 4/19/2005 at 1:06 pm
I took my kids to the Boeing museum of flight in Seattle last weekend where they have an SR71 blackbird on display. Amazing airplane. Its unbelievable that this thing was built in the 60’s.
Pingback from Flutterby! : From the air 2005-04-18 08:44:16.549116-07
Time 10/21/2006 at 9:53 pm
[…] MarkV pointed out a pair of Blackbirds parked on the ramp at Edwards AFB. A quick search brought up one of ’em parked a few hangars down. And, while we continue to publish porn of a certain sort, I can’t tell if I’m looking at the top of Half Dome (I don’t recognize the “diving board” or a few other features, but that’s about where it should be), although it looks like Half Dome in the lower res Google version. […]
Comment from Dan Lyke
Time 4/18/2005 at 8:33 am
Hey, this is fun: One Blackbird, twice as resolved. Too bad Terraserver doesn’t provide the high res color for that area…