Dell Axim X50(v) A03 ROM update

May 3, 2005 | Toys and Gadgets | By: Mark VandeWettering

It appears that Dell has released a new ROM update (A03) for the Dell Axim x50v. Haven’t tried this out yet, but I will this evening. Seems like it should address a couple of the relatively minor problems I’ve had with it:

  1. Improved the compatibility with certain CF cards
  2. Improved the power management within the CompactFlash driver
  3. Improved the WLAN driver for the unrecognized card issue
  4. Improved Bluetooth memory management
  5. Enhanced the processor speed scheme (Auto) for better balance between performance and battery life
  6. Improved the compatibility of Bluetooth FTP
  7. Make the wireless button driver more robust
  8. Improved the compatibility of Switcher Bar application
  9. Enhanced the compatibility of Data Backup utility
  10. Enhanced the WEP key security
  11. Updated the Funk Odyssey client
  12. Improved the frequency change mechanism of 2700G (Axim X50v)
  13. Fixed issue when pausing live streaming video (Axim X50v)
  14. Updated 2700G display driver (Axim X50v)

I’ll let you know how it works out.

MobileRead Networks – Dell Axim X50(v) A03 ROM update