Daily Archives: 5/27/2005

Seamless Data Distribution System

My HouseGoogle Maps is pretty cool, but they watermark all their images which makes their satellite data a little less than entirely useful for goofing around with. That’s why I’m pleased to see the USGS has the Seamless Data Distribution System, which allows you to download high resolution imagery, maps and all sorts of other data. The image on the right is some high resolution imagery of my house. You can see my next door neighbor’s blue van. Cool stuff.

The Problem With Government in a Nutshell

Governor digs fixing potholes / San Jose crews destroy part of road for staged event

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger traveled to a quiet San Jose neighborhood Thursday, and — dogged by protesters — filled a pothole dug by city crews just a few hours before, as part of an attempt to dramatize his efforts to increase money for transportation projects.

It’s not exactly a surprise when a politician fixes a problem and creates a news event out of it. It’s not even a surprise when it turns out that the politicians themselves created the problem. But seldom are both clearly identified as occurring on the same day.