I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting Saccade.com on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…
Internet Explorer Security Plans
Courtesy of Scoble’s blog, here is a post concerning “Low Rights Internet Explorerer”:
IEBlog : Clarifying Low-Rights IE
Low-rights IE will only be available in Longhorn because it’s based on the new Longhorn security features that make running without Administrator privileges an easy option for users (User Account Protection). When users run programs with limited user privileges, they are safer from attack than when they run with Administrator privileges because Windows can restrict the malicious code from taking damaging actions.
My, that does sound innovative. Kind of like running IE inside a jail or something, maybe with an isolated directory, It’s good to see that Microsoft is on top of things.
Comment from mneptok
Time 6/10/2005 at 5:53 pm
Not soon enough to prevent this latest Trojan from making the rounds.
I love how these sites just say “malware is installed on the users’ PC.” Oh? Would it affect Mac users? Linux users? Windows users that use Firefox? Or is it just an IE/Win problem?
I think we all know the answer. Too bad MS is a day late and a dollar short. Or maybe it’s all for the best. They deserve to swim in their own cess.