I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting Saccade.com on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…
Brainwagon Radio: Why Blog? and Spam
This podcast is mostly a recap of my discussions with Amy on why I blog, and some meandering thoughts about spam filtering.
Comment from Mark
Time 6/15/2005 at 8:30 pm
Apparently my new anti-spamming measures are keeping people from posting. Amy sent me this to post, I’ll disable and/or fix the antispam thingy shortly…
I think you may have misunderstood (and therefore misrepresented) the point I was trying to make. It boils down to this:
The “pollution” problem I see in the blogosphere generally stems from people who post daily (or several times daily) mainly to try to keep up
some kind of schedule. That is, they post just for the sake up getting something up on the site on schedule. Often this means they end up posting trivial, bland crap that even they don’t care about.
I don’t see prolific blogging as an inherent problem, as long as it reflects the blogger’s natural inclination and a genuine interest in each item posted — not just an arbitrary schedule.
I like sponteneity. I even like short posts, and occasional link-only posts. Really, I do. 🙂 As long as a blogger has something meaningful to say which offers inherent value to the reader, that’s cool.
I just loathe mindless crap that exists to game search engines or meet some useless schedule. There’s far too much of that going on.
Make sense?
– Amy Gahran
I apologize for any misrepresentation, it was certainly unintentional.