Google Talk
Everyone is running articles about Google Talk this morning. Apparently Google has settled on the Jabber protocol for instant messaging (gasp, a standard) and has released a pretty nice little client for Windows. Following their instructions, I’ve actually connected to the server using gaim as well. I have yet to try any of the audio capabilities, but the base functionality seems fine, and unpolluted by vast amounts of advertising (ala AIM, which I just can’t stand anymore). Nifty.
As an experiment, anyone wanting to IM me can invite me (brainwagon at and I’ll try to respond.
Addendum: Make already already has a cool hack:
Yes, it is possible to broadcast music, MP3’s, Podcasts, etc. from your itunes, computer cd or whatever. Don’t limit yourself to a boring microphone… share your music!
Basically it is just what you imagine: you can send an mp3 out by configuring the recording inputs to GoogleTalk to listen to the stereo mix device. Still, a cool idea that might be useful to us podcasters.
I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…