I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting Saccade.com on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…
“We’ll teach this elephant to dance. Really!”
I know, bashing Microsoft is becoming a theme with me over the last few weeks, but I keep reading stuff on the news and blogs, and I can’t help but comment.
Today’s big news is that Microsoft is reorganizing: here is their press release.
There has been criticism of late from both inside and outside that Microsoft simply isn’t very innovative. It’s big. It’s bloated. It’s less profitable. Groups within Microsoft find it nearly as baffling to navigate their hierarchy as customers do when they call for support.
Now, a reorganization. It’s probably needed. But ask yourself: look back on all the announced reorganizations of all the companies you’ve ever dealt with in the past. How many have really enhance your relationship with them as a customer? How many have actually rejuvanated the company into releasing better products?
The fact is that dancing is done by lithe young people who don’t eat very much, not by lumbering pachyderms. I’m simply not convinced you can teach an elephant to dance, and you can’t change the facts: Microsoft is an elephant.
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Time 9/21/2005 at 7:08 pm
Cross DressingMark / brainwagon:”We’ll teach this elephant to dance. Really!”