I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting Saccade.com on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…
Pat Robertson Displays his Christianity, again…
The people of Dover, Pennsylvania recently had an election for their local schoolboard. In a fairly close election, every member of the school board that supported the addition of intelligent design to their school curriculum was voted out, all eight of them. What did Pat Robertson have to say about the free exercise of people’s rights to hold elections?
I’d like to say to the good citizens of Dover. If there is a disaster in your area, don’t turn to God, you just rejected Him from your city. And don’t wonder why He hasn’t helped you when problems begin, if they begin. I’m not saying they will, but if they do, just remember, you just voted God out of your city. And if that’s the case, don’t ask for His help because he might not be there.”
I… just… am speechless.
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Time 11/12/2005 at 9:57 pm
s classic groupthink. Everyone is so convinced that Darwinism must be true, that they’re unwilling to examine the possiblity of other explanations. That’s not good science. On the other hand, there’s no room for stuff like this : The people of Dover, Pennsylvania recently had an election for their local schoolboard. In a fairly close election, every member of the school board that supported the addition of intelligent design to their school curriculum was voted out, all
Comment from Francois
Time 11/11/2005 at 12:08 pm
This is absolutely disgusting…how can such a small minority (I hope) of religious extremists carry so much weight in a western democracy…
…maybe that’s the problem!
Comment from Dan Lyke
Time 11/15/2005 at 10:26 am
So I’ve been thinking about ways that the people of Dover, PA, could start experiencing small miracles… Done right I think this could be a lot of fun.
Comment from bala
Time 4/29/2009 at 10:34 am
Evolution is true simply because we are made of atoms. Couple that with the weight of more than 150 years of constant research, none of which has ever falsified evolution.
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Time 11/12/2005 at 9:57 pm
s classic groupthink. Everyone is so convinced that Darwinism must be true, that they’re unwilling to examine the possiblity of other explanations. That’s not good science. On the other hand, there’s no room for stuff like this : The people of Dover, Pennsylvania recently had an election for their local schoolboard. In a fairly close election, every member of the school board that supported the addition of intelligent design to their school curriculum was voted out, all