DVD Player Craps Out…

Bummer. My 6 month old Philips DVP-642 crapped out. Seems like the drive just went belly up, it doesn’t spin up at all or eject. I really liked this DVD player because it could play regular DivX avi files, but I must admit, I’m not really all that pleased with the longevity. Harumph.

3 thoughts on “DVD Player Craps Out…

  1. AG

    You might look at the APEX DVD player line. They’re hackable and fairly inexpensive too.

  2. NullSpin

    Probably still under some form of waranty. I had one that died after about 9 months. Called up phillips and they sent a replacement for 30 dollars. Better then nothing I guess.
    I use an upconverting LG for my main dvd player.

  3. Redmex

    I have the same dvd player for more than two years and use heavily (4-5 times a day) and no problem. Love it and I’ll buy another as soon as this one breaks.

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