No comment from Dembski on E. O. Wilson…
I know, I know, I’m on an Intelligent Design kick. I’ll move on sometime soon, but I couldn’t help noticing that luminary of the Intelligent Design community, William Dembski apparently could find no point to criticize in E. O. Wilson’s editorial for USA today. His only addition is the title of his own article, which seems to imply that Wilson claimed that “strict Darwinism” (whatever that means) is a fact, and a law of nature, when of course, Wilson didn’t do anything of the sort.
Addendum: Dembski and Behe are widely listed as the intellectual leaders of Intelligent Design, and these are the kinds of arguments they forward.
[tags]Dembski,Intelligent Design,Evolution[/tags]
I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…