I move my pretty useless blog to Hugo about 7 years ago, since I got frustrated at too many security…
Boing Boing: Google logo redesigned by Students for Free Tibet
I usually don’t post links to Boing Boing stuff, since everybody in the known universe already reads Boing Boing, but I thought this logo design for Google by the Students for a Free Tibet warranted a bit wider distribution.
Sorry Google, but if your motto is to “don’t be evil”, you are seriously off course. If your motto is “don’t be evil, except when there is a large, potentially lucrative market for us to exploit as long as we hold our noses and pretend that we aren’t evil”, then you are a lot closer.
Boing Boing: Google logo redesigned by Students for Free Tibet
[tags]Google,Don’t Be Evil[/tags]
Comment from metamerist
Time 1/30/2006 at 6:44 pm
Hear, hear.
Comment from Han Shan
Time 1/30/2006 at 1:50 pm
Hey, thanks a lot for the posting of our spoof logo. The hypocrisy of “Don’t be evil” Google is leaving a bad taste in a lot of mouths. And while we don’t have any illusion that we’re going to force them to back out of their contract, we’re not done beating up on them yet. 1/6 of the poulation of planet Earth is being screwed by Google (and the Chinese government) and we need to send a clear message to other technology companies (and western corporations in general) that people are watching and they’re gonna start to lose their loyal customers by this kind of behavior. Watch for a Feb. 14th “No Luv 4 Google” action… in the planning. http://noluv4google.com (it’ll hopefully be live soon).