I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting Saccade.com on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…
Super Bowl XL Commercials on Google Video
Overall, I didn’t think much of the commercials that played during this years Superbowl, but just in case you missed one that everyone seems to be talking about during your coffee break, you can surf on over to Google Video and see what you missed.
Super Bowl XL Commercials on Google Video
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Time 2/6/2006 at 5:46 am
and AOL both have a collection of ads that were shown in the US showing of the Superbowl last night. I’ve seen lots of build-up for what appears to be the prime placement for TV ads every year, including releases of ‘banned ads’ . … # brainwagon / Super Bowl XL Commercials on Google Video – Overall, I didn’t think much of the commercials that played during this years Superbowl, but just in case you missed one that everyone seems to be talking about during your coffee break, you can surf on over to Google Video and see what you missed.