Happy Birthday, Charles Darwin…
Q: If Charles Darwin were alive today, what would he be known for?
A: Longevity. He’d be 197 years old.
For some reason, churches around the world are apparently taking the opportunity to reassert the claim that the findings of science (in particular, biological evolution) are compatible with their religious faith. You can check out this lengthy list of articles to find out more about “Darwin Sunday”.
Frankly, I’m a bit skeptical about the wisdom or the aim of this. Â If you would like people to realize the compatibility of science and your religion, why not work 364 days a year to make sure that they understand the compability, instead of participating in a stunt on a single Sunday. Â In my mind, all this really accomplishes is to provide further fuel to the claims of creationists that evolution is really just another type of religion.
[tags]Charles Darwin, Evolution[/tags]
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