I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting Saccade.com on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…
Ten reasons Microsoft thinks I should buy Vista…
Michael Desmond, writing for PCWorld, wrote this article called Ten Reasons to Buy Windows Vista. Me? I’m completely unconvinced. Let’s walk through what he thinks are the strengths of Windows Vista:
- Security. The funny thing is, I expected all the previous versions of Windows to provide security, and for the most part, I’ve been cruelly let down. There is no bigger indication that Microsoft has fumbled the security ball than to look at the entire industry (with players like Symantec, McAffee, Network Associates, and literally dozens of others) that have sprung up solely to shore up the inadequate defenses of Windows against the attack of hackers.
- Internet Explorer. Yawn, you mean the browser that doesn’t even implement the box model properly, making it virtually impossible to design portable css layouts for webpages? I’ll stick with Firefox, thank you very much.
- Eye candy. Honestly, who cares? Especially since Microsoft thinks its reasonable to force you to upgrade your video hardware to provide this extra ocular saccharine.
- Desktop search. Sorry, tried it, but never really use it.
- Better updates. I’d like it if they didn’t make me reboot everytime I change a network setting. Updates never really bothered me the way they are.
- More media. Too bad they are adding more DRM to keep you from using more media. It kind of balances out.
- Parental controls. More features that only serve to keep me from using the computer. Yawn.
- Better backups. Might be nice. Worth $180 for the upgrade?
- Peer-to-peer collaboration. With other Vista users. Yawn.
- Quick setup. Here’s an idea: how about an operating system that doesn’t force you to reinstall often enough for the hour install to matter?
To be fair, Desmond lists five things that should give us pause:
- Cost. $100. Again.
- No antivirus software, likely to be made available as a paid subscription. If Vista is so secure, why continue to tax us for security updates?
- The upgrade carousel. You might be able to run Vista on your old hardware, but you won’t want to.
- The learning curve. That doesn’t particularly concern me.
- Lots of stuff is just warmed over. Well, yeah.
But the real problem is that Windows just doesn’t deliver very much. With Fedora, I can turn my PC into a document preparation system, a VOIP pbx, a webserver, a database server, a rich program development environment running literally dozens of languages, and dozens of other things. It’s just a better buy for the buck, allowing me to make better use of my available computing hardware.
So, why should I pay for Vista?
[tags]Microsoft, Rants, Raves[/tags]
Comment from Dan Lyke
Time 2/21/2006 at 10:32 am
Kevin, I’m interested in your “not ready for the consumer yet” statement. My sweetie recently installed Linux and Windows XP on her laptop. The Linux install went fine, XP I had to intervene on. Her digital camera just worked, the only thing we’re worried about is TurboTax, which is probably also available as a web app.
In the circle of people around me, aside from the availability of games, there’s one feature that’s keeping one person from adopting an entirely Linux platform, and that’s the fact that OpenOffice.org can’t do regular expression with a paragraph break in the middle of the expression. Seriously, that’s it. Everything else has been plug it in and watch it work.
Comment from Kevin VandeWettering
Time 2/20/2006 at 6:57 pm
Since you moderate all the comments, why do you have that hokey multicolored security code widget?. It’s a pain in the neck.
So Windows Vista?. Well I think you said it best when I talked to you last. “I dunno who Microsoft is working for but it isn’t me.” You were correct. The main claim to fame for Vista is a super-super security system to launch us into our overpriced pay per view universe.
For good or for bad, this will be the standard OS.
I’m with you. Linux is better and getting better. You got an Athlon 64 too. You know how nice it is to have a true 64 bit OS and a smooth running OS.
Linux?. Not ready for the consumer yet, but it’s getting really, really close.