Minor Earthquake
A few minutes ago, I noticed the second minor earthquake of the day. I estimated the strength to be a little lower than a three, but it was enough that my next door neighbor Sam called me and asked me what I thought it was. I was already hitting the USGS website to see what the deal was, but he reminded me that you can get even faster realtime info from a finger server at berkeley:
% finger -l quake@quake.geo.berkeley.edu [quake.geo.berkeley.edu] Login name: quake In real life: EQs? USE finger -l Directory: /home/dc1/quake Shell: /bin/csh Never logged in. No unread mail Plan: RAPID EARTHQUAKE LOCATION SERVICE U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California. U.C. Berkeley Seismological Laboratory, Berkeley, California. (members of the Council of the National Seismic System) NOTE: Information in this page is updated regularly. If you are accessing this page via the Web, you may need to RELOAD the page to get current data. Below is a list of magnitude 2 or greater earthquakes recorded by the USGS Northern California Seismic Network and the UCB Berkeley Digital Seismic Network during the last 3 days. All times are in UTC (Universal Time), which is 8 hours ahead of PST and 7 hours ahead of PDT. This catalog is valid for Central and Northern California (approximately north of San Luis Obispo along the coast and 37 degrees N at the Nevada border). Magnitudes are reported as local magnitude (Ml) or coda duration magnitude (Md) for small events. Depth is in kilometers. Q is location quality, where the quality of the location solution is A=E (A=good, E=bad), and '*' indicates the solution is from an automated system and has not been reviewed by staff. Note: This is PRELIMINARY information. Earthquakes before 00:00 UT today which occur > ~50 km outside the boundaries of the network will not be listed unless reviewed by seismologists. Catalogs for other regions of the country can be obtained by using `finger quake@computer' for the following computers: geophys.washington.edu (Washington and Oregon) seismo.unr.edu (Nevada) scec.gps.caltech.edu (southern California) eqinfo.seis.utah.edu (Utah) fm.gi.alaska.edu (Alaska) slueas.slu.edu (central US) gldfs.cr.usgs.gov (large world-wide) tako.wr.usgs.gov (Hawaii) WWW access: for these lists, maps, and more go to http://quake.usgs.gov Updated at Thu Mar 2 06:32:00 GMT 2006 a.k.a. Wed Mar 1 22:32:00 PST 2006 ****************************************************************************** DATE-(UTC)-TIME LAT LON DEP MAG Q COMMENTS yy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss deg. deg. km ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06/02/27 13:55:31 40.08N 123.49W 0.0 2.0Md C* 29 km E of Redway, CA 06/02/27 14:24:41 39.72N 123.07W 2.0 2.1Md C* 19 km ESE of Covelo, CA 06/02/27 16:43:04 37.27N 120.75W 0.5 2.2Md D* 13 km S of Livingston, CA 06/02/27 20:46:44 36.50N 121.07W 3.6 2.3Md A* 7 km ESE of Pinnacles, CA 06/02/28 01:09:55 39.01N 122.80W 2.6 2.4Md B* 5 km NNE of Kelseyville, CA 06/02/28 03:32:42 35.67N 121.08W 0.0 2.2Md D* 10 km ENE of San Simeon, CA 06/02/28 03:52:50 38.82N 122.80W 1.9 2.0Md A* 3 km N of The Geysers, CA 06/02/28 19:39:39 37.86N 122.24W 9.5 2.3Md A* 3 km ESE of Berkeley, CA 06/03/01 19:24:02 37.86N 122.20W 8.9 2.8Md A* 4 km SW of Orinda, CA 06/03/01 19:34:52 37.86N 122.20W 8.8 3.4Ml A* 3 km SW of Orinda, CA 06/03/02 00:11:55 36.55N 121.15W 7.6 3.2Ml A* 3 km N of Pinnacles, CA 06/03/02 02:11:37 37.16N 121.55W 8.1 2.1Md A* 9 km ENE of Morgan Hill, CA 06/03/02 04:53:30 40.48N 125.53W 2.5 3.3Ml D* 106 km W of Petrolia, CA 06/03/02 05:11:11 38.36N 119.43W 1.1 2.1Md C* 20 km WNW of Bridgeport, CA 06/03/02 06:08:15 37.86N 122.24W 9.8 2.9Md A* 3 km ESE of Berkeley, CA
I just thought I’d archive that here for future reference.
[tags]Earthquake,Earthquake Server[/tags]
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