Maker’s Faire Update
Well, I spent all day yesterday demoing my Enigma 2600 project in Hall A at the Maker’s Faire. I printed out sixty little info sheets and some business cards that described the project, and somehow got it exactly right: I gave away my last one just minutes before the end of the show. My voice is thoroughly trashed from talking, but today I’m thinking about just going down and seeing what everyone else is showing. The event seemed really fun, and I loved everyone’s enthusiasm level. I even met someone who designed video games for the Atari when it was still a viable commercial product.
I’ll post another update after today’s show.
[tags]Maker’s Faire[/tags]
Addendum: Metagrrrl snapped this pic of me explaining my silly Atari project to her friends. Check out her Flickr stream for more.
Addendum2: My silly cat has gotten in yet another fight, and his leg looks swollen and sore, so today’s Maker’s Faire will be preceded by a trip to the vet for some antibiotics. Silly kitty.
Addendum3: Silicon Valley legend Steve Wozniak was on hand for a chucker of Segway Polo, and decided to cool off by helping to get donations for the EFF by submitting himself to repeated showers of water. Well done Steve. You got my donation.
I move my pretty useless blog to Hugo about 7 years ago, since I got frustrated at too many security…