Another question for Microsoft…
Scobleizer – Microsoft Geek Blogger » Microsoft Word generates clean HTML for blogs?
Lots of Microsoft program managers push back and say “normal people don’t care about HTML quality.”That might be true (although we all hate it when our pages don’t display right on all browsers, or when they are slow to load) but the influentials who write reviews and tell their friends (or set up their computers) do care about such things.
Wow. I read this as a tacit confession that “lots of Microsoft program managers” actually don’t care about software quality. “Let’s just sweep this dust under the rug here, nobody will ever see it” is not the mantra of those who excel at writing good, reliable, and useful software.
The question for Microsoft: why are these people still your product managers?
[tags]Rants and Raves[/tags]
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I suspect the world would be better if that percentage were even greater.
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