Happy Kooks’ Day!
According to this article on blogcritics.org, June 26 is recognized as “Kooks’ Day”, a day dedicated to all things crazy and loony. This holiday was established by the denizens alt.kooks.usenet on the anniversary of the passing of Earl Curley. Who? I didn’t know either, so I took the time to look him up. He may have joined the choir invisible, but his website still reaches out beyond the grave. My own personal taste in eccentrics leans more toward pseudo-science and evolution deniers, but you can find kooks in nearly all fields.
Need a proper way to celebrate Kooks’ Day? Surf over to crank dot net and find a vast list of all that is loony on the web, as well as some nice resources for debunking cranks and loons.
Still bored? Post a comment with a link to your favorite loons!
[tags]Kooks Day,Irrationality,Lunacy,Usenet[/tags]
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