I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting Saccade.com on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…
Windows Vista Feedback ~ Chris Pirillo
Apparently the thing that is most worthy of critical comment from Microsoft Vista is that fonts and colors don’t please Chris Pirillo. While these sorts of rough edges undoubtably displease sensitive aesthetes, does anyone else find such pixel-f*cking to be a little misplaced? Is the factor that will decide whether you spend your money on Vista whether the fonts in the installer are Tahoma or Segoe UI?
This kind of feedback demonstrates two things: that people like Pirillo are more concerned with aesthetics than functionality, and that Microsoft needs a lot of work to achieve a unified vision of their products and their interface.
[tags]Microsoft,Pirillo,Interface,Vista,Rants and Raves[/tags]
Comment from t clemens
Time 11/20/2007 at 1:42 pm
where an I leave feedback for vista os? I am running it with a new compacq; many friends who are running vista advised me NOT to get vista, but because I need a windows based pc to run my insurance software, I was backed into a corner. I did not want to giveup my mac.
what a mistake! I have had nothing but problems with the vista os!!! My mac is always connected to the web, it is easier, quicker, more simple and can dance around any program windows can dream up!
windows has a LONG way to go to catch up with a Mac. My lap top is 7 years old and can out work the new compacq any day, any operation, and any task!
I want my money back! I’ll stick to my Mac forever!
Comment from Ryan Pamular
Time 9/5/2007 at 8:18 pm
I dont care about what you want to be the appearance of windows vista, what i care most is!? Is windows vista reliable? what are the new features of the vista? what is the sense of the GUI if it has too much problem! as i can remember when i tried vista there are so many drivers which is not compatible with vista i guess that should be their priority of fixing that OS. guys dont make font as an issue it’s too none sense!!!