Quickest Patch Ever
While I’m still in a rant mode, try looking at Bruce Schneier’s latest column on Wired:
Wired News: Quickest Patch Ever
Now, this isn’t a “vulnerability” in the normal sense of the word: digital rights management is not a feature that users want. Being able to remove copy protection is a good thing for some users, and completely irrelevant for everyone else. No user is ever going to say: “Oh no. I can now play the music I bought for my PC on my Mac. I must install a patch so I can’t do that anymore.”
But to Microsoft, this vulnerability is a big deal. It affects the company’s relationship with major record labels. It affects the company’s product offerings. It affects the company’s bottom line. Fixing this “vulnerability” is in the company’s best interest; never mind the customer.
Are you listening Microsoft? If you are going to gain a reputation for good customer oriented products, how ’bout creating products that actually solve the problems that customers have, rather than dedicating your energy towards satisfying your corporate partners?
[tags]Rants and Raves,Microsoft[/tags]
I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting Saccade.com on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…