The Debate On Net Neutrality by Hsing Kenneth Cheng et. al…
A few weeks ago, I remember this research getting a bit of press, but I didn’t have the time to track down the link to the actual report, rather than reading the rather unhelpful press summaries of the work.
Their game theoretic model showed that the likely result of the abandonment of net neutrality by ISPs would be the decrease of bandwidth to consumers and a stifling of innovation. I thought the result was unsurprising, but also wanted to look at the details of their model. My initial skimming of the first few pages of this paper indicates that the previous synopsys (gleaned mostly from popular reports of the work) may not be entirely accurate. I’ll try again after I read some more.
[tags]Net Neutrality[/tags]
I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…