I recall burning three or four weeks of a sabbatical getting Saccade.com on the air with Wordpress. So much tweaking…
ICFP Programming Contest 2007
It’s about a month until the ICFP programming contest begins, and I’ve found out that I’m scheduled to return from Vegas the day of the beginning. I think I’m gonna give it a try this year if I can get my crap together. I don’t suffer from any illusion that I’ll do particularly well, but I find that the experience of working on last year’s puzzle, even after the contest was sufficiently intellectually challenging and stimulating that I think it’ll be fun. To any of the excellent programmers I’ve worked with over the year: consider this an invitation. If you’d like to participate with me, drop me an email and we shall see what we can do.
Comment from ipewxf wnrbaxdzm
Time 7/10/2008 at 6:22 pm
biusc otxrlgi olhjngv wfgxs kqlx oeynfbhtq evjk